Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A morning to look forward to...

 If you're ready to get out in this beautiful weather and enjoy a bit of history (like I am) - this is for you!

Sidney Young will be interviewing Mary Walker Clark at 11am, Saturday October 17th, at Holy Cross courtyard in Paris (courtyard bordering the beautiful Bywaters Park.) I'm excited to get my hands on this book, and listen to the author's insights. And, it's all outdoors!
Here's a review taken from the Mary's web page marywalkerclark.com
“This fascinating World War II story of Clark’s father’s adventures seemingly touches on every continent while centered on his perilous flights from India across the Himalayas to resupply the Chinese, a perilous route known as “The Hump”. It’s part mystery thriller, part history class, part travelogue, and 100% page burning awesomeness.”
Jeffrey Lehmann
Host & Producer of the multi Emmy awarded “Weekend Explorer” travel series on PBS and broadcasters worldwide.

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